You guys remember when I told you about my newfound Pokemon card obsession? Well, it’s gotten worse. Like, to the point where I may or may not be looking for meet-ups on Craigslist. That said, I don’t want to become known around town as the adult man with a pocket full of Japanese monster cards, so if I’m gonna participate in one of said meet-ups, I gotta get some good sunglasses to hide behind, first. Saltura’s Sunglasses are made in Germany, and have natural cellulose acetate frames and real, mineral glass lenses. Truth be told, I’m not sure any of the five $175 styles would make me inconspicuous enough, as I finally get my hands on the Raikou full art from Dark Explorers from the 12 year old who got a ride from his mom, but I still want a pair anyway.
For price and purchase info, visit Saltura.