N’East Illustrated, Vol. 2

The always lovely Christine Mitchell of N’East Style is back with a new batch of #menswear illustrations, and they are stupendous. Click through to see the full collection. And for those who missed her first set (tsk tsk), you can check ’em out here. Thanks Christine!

I couldn’t not draw Mr. Bennett for this month’s feature. Here he is sporting the Freeman Seattle Freeman Jacket. Love the bright red color and how Brad styled it over a perfectly worn Levi’s denim jacket. [ed note: aw shucks]

Choctaw Ridge recently sent me some long johns and jammie pants. I have been living in both of them when snoozing and lounging about the house. Great quality, and I think a man in their boxers would be quite fetching indeed.

This handsome older gentleman wins me over with every picture taken of him. I’m not recalling who he is, but he has nailed the, what I like to call, “lived in gentleman look.” I especially love his paisley scarf and his coat layers in this shot by Nam.

Who hasn’t been going crazy with excitement over the new Supreme x Schott Leather Flight Jacket. It’s the classic beauty that is Schott, with a dose of party from Supreme.

It was really hard to decide on the 5th illustration. There were so many great images this month with fashion week and all. In the end I decided to go with this look from the Billy Reid Fall 2012 runway show. I loved the whole collection, for men and women, but this jacket and that girl with her gaze and cool haircut won me over. Beautifully captured by Noah Emrich.

To see more of Mitchell’s work, check out her portfolio site. You can also email her direct if you’re interested in having her draw something for you (very wise move).