How to Market to Millennials? Dumb It Down.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal story, Millennials are now the “latest demographic bubble, overtaking the baby boom generation,” and that’s leading to some major changes in how products are marketed and sold.

Representing the largest independent age bracket in America — the story points out that the “biggest single age cohort” is 26-year-olds, who currently number 4.8 million — Millennials are, as a group, on the verge of what the story considers “life-defining moments,” which include home-ownership, parenthood, and other events that require some serious spending.

But as literally everyone older than Millennials is quick to point out, we’re weird. And because of that, “companies are developing new products, overhauling marketing and launching educational programs — all with the goal of luring the archetypal 26-year-old.”

Those strategies are all over the map, but, according to the story, most will either lean into the idea that 24-35 year-olds don’t want to do anything post-purchase (an entitlement-baiting “Do it for me” approach, in which “No Work Required” is a major selling point), or, the idea that they (we) know next to nothing about being adults.

“The Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. has started offering gardening lessons for young homeowners that cover basic tips – really, really basic – like making sure sunlight can reach plants,” the story writes.

While some companies are slightly worried that these DIY lessons will come off as condescending, they seem willing to try just about anything to activate the largest generation in America (93 million total born between 1980 and 2000). And that, apparently, includes teaching us how to open curtains.

You can read more about it at the Wall Street Journal.

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