Gitman Vintage Wide Striped Camp Shirts

Sometimes, while talking to y’all, I feel like some kind of swaggy infomercial host. It’s 2:00 AM, and I’m just here like: MORE CAMP SHIRTS! MORE CAMP SHIRTS FROM GITMAN VINTAGE! THESE ONES HAVE STRIPES. WIDE STRIPES, TO BE EXACT! THEY POPLIN, TOO. THAT’S LIGHTWEIGHT! AND THAT COLLAR? IT’S SPREAD, BITCH! EAST DANE GOT IT IN FOUR SUMMER-READY COLORS FOR $133 A POP, BUT ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME ‘CUS THESE JOINTS FINNA BE GONE. Whatever man. This is like the 20th camp shirt we’ve posted in three days. I’m all out of shit to say…

For price and purchase info, visit East Dane.