ASKET Merino Roll Necks

There is something about a merino roll neck that makes me feel sexier and smarter than I am, or ever will be. I think it’s the way the merino clings to my dad bod just enough to make it look like there’s some semblance of definition left? Or how the roll neck makes me look like a scholarly thespian? Whatever the case may be, ASKET’s version of the Merino Roll Neck is knitted in Italy out of a luscious 24-gauge extra fine Australian merino wool and comes in ASKET’s signature 15 sizes so you can have as much or as little of your dad bod on showcase as you please. And the best part (which is typically the case with ASKET)? It only costs $120. Pretty sure picking one of these babies up will make you smarter and sexier for real.

For price and purchase info, visit ASKET.