8.15 August Fifteenth Linen Spring Coat

It was my wife’s birthday this past weekend. Lovely lady. Has nice toes. Anyway, I bought myself this 8.15 August Fifteenth Linen Spring Coat to celebrate. But then when I told her about it and started giving her the stats – US-made, unlined and linen so it’s great with just a tee or multiple layers underneath and, of course, the indigo-dyedness of it is, like, C’MON – she starts saying that I “ruined” her “birthday.” But, like, it can’t always be about her all. of. the. time. Right fellas? Anyways, this thing only ran me $312 (down from $520), and I’ll totally let one of you wear it for a day if you let me crash at your place for, like, a week? Maybe two?




For price and purchase info, visit 8.15 August Fifteenth.