If you’ve already checked out the Broken Gifs Tumblr, feel free to skip ahead. For the rest of you, get ready to be terrified. Broken Gifs
“Marge, the boy was wearing a Hawaiian Shirt. There’s only two kinds of guys who wear those shirts…” Get Kempt: The 58 Greatest Hawaiian Shirts of All Time
Let this be a lesson to you: no matter how bad you have to go, don’t pee in an alley. You never know what might happen. YouTube: Guy Installs Shower to Stop People Peeing In His Alley
And finally, Dubai has an abandoned luxury car problem. Cool Material: Abandoned Luxury Cars of Dubai
I’ve really been getting into the hilarity that is known as “weird Twitter” lately. This article is from April, but it’s the “almost” complete history of this quirky corner of the social media universe. Buzzfeed: Weird Twitter: The Oral History
Not quite sure if this constitutes “e-stalking” or just damn good investigative journalism, but Ivy Style and an anonymous super sleuth may have just solved one of the biggest mysteries in menswear blogging: is North Carolina State Representative Bryan Holloway the infamous “WASP 101”? Ivy Style: Is WASP 101 Blogger North Carolina State Rep?
Bobby Dylan turned 72 last week. Seems like he should be a lot older, no? Dude has been places. Here’s a neat map of every street, town and place he’s ever sung about. Slate: Bob Dylan’s World
Restoring a Jackson Pollack, and learning that the process should probably be left to the pros. New York Times: A Pollock Restored, a Mystery Revealed
Mordechai Rubinstein pays a rare visit to the beach house of Ralph Lauren legend Doug Bihlmaier, and it pretty much puts all other interiors to shame. Mister Mort: Bihlmaier’s Beach House
A quite pertinent and surprisingly long piece from Buzzfeed on the death of the “social media editor” at newspapers. Buzzfeed: The Social Media Editor is Dead
And as a slightly shameless promo this week, I did an interview with James Jean of The Mod Rockers. Enjoy. The Mod Rockers: “Creatively Speaking” 001: Jake Gallagher
“An epic battle of self assessed superiority to determine the snobbiest town in Vermont.” NoseUp Vermont
Rohan Anderson of Whole Larder Love will be coming to Boston June 18th, but he’s also hitting up a lot of other USA spots in the coming month so check out his book tour schedule. Whole Larder Love: America Here I Come