I, personally, have a hard time wearing cashmere. It’s not because I don’t like it. It’s more like the fine china my parents never let me use or the spare room in my grandparents’ house I wasn’t allowed to go into, even though it had furniture in it. They all knew that those things were far too nice for me, and I would undoubtedly fuck them up, somehow, and that’s now instilled in me as an adult. Thankfully, even though these Neighbour Merino Cashmere Sweaters are made in Scotland, the Land of Knits™, from a 70/30 wool and cashmere blend, they aren’t so egregiously priced ($214) that, if I were to somehow, oh, I don’t know, spill orange-flavored Red Bull on one in the morning or sweat through the armpits because I procrastinated on getting a creative brief done that has to be presented in 15 minutes, I wouldn’t feel so awful.
For price and purchase info, visit Neighbour.